Gravity Environment Light

The Gravity Environment Light component contains an environment light within an attitude orient, to simulate a light shining down from above, regardless of the device orientation. It uses the device gyroscope and accelerometer to accomplish this.

The Gravity Environment Light is great for providing reflections on physically-based rendered (PBR) 3D models.

Creating a Gravity Environment Light Symbol

A Gravity Environment Light can be added to your project by clicking on the plus icon + from the Symbol Definitions panel, and selecting the Gravity Environment Light component.

Using a Gravity Environment Light Symbol

Add the Gravity Environment Light to the scene by dragging it from the Symbol Definitions panel into the Hierarchy.

Modifying the Gravity Environment Light Symbol

An environment light sets the environment that will be used to calculate lighting and surface reflections on models that use a PBR material. The environment is defined by a reflectionCubeMap and an irradianceCubeMap.

By default, the Environment Light subsymbol contains pre-assigned reflection and irradiance cubemap textures. If you'd like to change the reflected environment, follow the steps below:

  1. Double click the Gravity Environment Light symbol definition to enter it.
  2. Import your cubemap texture files into the Media Library. The files must include top, bottom, left, right, front, and back textures.
  3. Replace the textures assigned to the Reflection Cubemap Texture and Irradiance Cubemap Texture nodes with your imported images.

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