
Inherits from Z.Group


Z.FacePaint describes the data type of Face Paint objects instanced in the project Hierarchy.

This data type wraps Z.FaceFinder and Z.FaceInstance, and cannot be constructed separately.

To recreate Face Paint functionality, use the example shown in the objectType( ) function's scripting reference.

Provided by Z.FacePaint


lefteyeclose Emitted when the FacePaint's left eye is closed.
lefteyeopen Emitted when the FacePaint's left eye is opened.
mouthclose Emitted when the FacePaint's mouth is closed.
mouthopen Emitted when the FacePaint's mouth is opened.
notseen Emitted when the given FacePaint is no longer detected in the camera feed.
righteyeclose Emitted when the FacePaint's right eye is closed.
righteyeopen Emitted when the FacePaint's right eye is opened.
seen Emitted when the given FacePaint is detected in the camera feed.


trackingEnabled( ) Gets whether tracking is enabled on this FacePaint.
trackingEnabled(...) Sets whether to enable tracking on this FacePaint.

Inherited from Z.Group


Z.Group( ) Constructs a new Z.Group object.


child(...) Gets the child node at the specified index.
children( ) Gets the children of the group.
clear( ) Removes all children from the group.
insert(...) Inserts a node into the group at the specified index.
push(...) Inserts a node as the last child of the group.
remove(...) Removes a node from the group.

Inherited from Z.Node


blend( ) Gets the type of blending used to render this object.
blend(...) Sets the type of blending used to render this object
color( ) Gets the color of the node.
color(...) Sets the color of the node.
cullFaces( ) Gets the type of culling to performed on this object.
cullFaces(...) Sets the type of culling to performed on this object.
enabled( ) Gets the value of enabled for the node.
enabled(...) Sets the value of enabled for the node.
position( ) Gets the position of the node.
position(...) Sets the position of the node
relativeTo( ) Gets an array of nodes that this node's location is relative to.
relativeTo(...) Sets the node(s) that this node's location is relative to.
relativeToProp( ) Gets the ratio of contributions that the nodes specified by relativeTo have on this node's location.
relativeToProp(...) Sets the ratio of contributions that the nodes specified by relativeTo have on this node's location.
rotation( ) Gets the rotation of the node.
rotation(...) Sets the rotation of the node.
scale( ) Gets the scale of the node.
scale(...) Sets the scale of the node.
visible( ) Gets the visibility of the node.
visible(...) Sets the visibility of this node.

Inherited from Z.Base


emit(...) Calls the handler functions attached to an event.
hasTag(...) Returns true if this object has the specified tag.
off(...) Removes a handler function from an event.
on(...) Attaches a handler function to an event.
one(...) Attaches a single-use handler function to an event.
pushTag(...) Adds a tag to this object.
removeTag(...) Removes a tag from this object.
tags( ) Gets an array of the tags that this object belongs to.
tags(...) Sets the array of the tags that this object belongs to.
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