World Tracking: Ground Placement

The World Tracking: Ground Placement symbol is used to display content tracked to the user's environment, at real-world scale.
If an Android device does not have ARCore installed and attempts to launch an experience, the user will be prompted to install ARCore. A list of supported Android devices can be found here.
How it works
When this symbol is first activated it will attempt to find a suitable ground plane in the user's environment.
If a good quality surface is detected, the content will become visible and the user will be prompted to position it along the ground plane.
Once the position of the content has been confirmed (with the Tap to Place option), it will remain constant for the duration the experience.
Creating a World Tracking Ground Placement symbol
A World Tracking Ground Placement symbol can be added to a project by clicking on the plus icon + from the Symbol Definitions panel, and selecting the World Tracking Ground Placement component.

How to use the World Tracking Ground Placement
1) Once the World Tracking Ground Placement subsymbol is added from the Symbol Definitions panel, drag it into the Hierarchy.

2) Next, place content into the newly exposed Ground group.
Content placed within this group becomes relative to the ground anchor. To see the content in the viewport, make sure the Ground Anchor is selected from the Viewport Target options.

3) Edit the World Tracking Ground Placement subsymbol referenced properties.
The World Tracking Ground Placement subsymbol has 2 referenced properties:
Property | Type | Description |
Placement Color | color | Sets the color of the content within the Ground group while it is being positioned. |
Show Unsupported Message | boolean | Sets whether the unsupported message should be displayed. |
4) Preview the experience to see your content appear tracked to the world.