Facebook Button
The Facebook Button subsymbol creates an interactive button that when tapped, opens the Facebook page specified in the referenced properties.

The Business Card example project uses a Facebook Button subsymbol.
Creating a Facebook Button Symbol
A Facebook Button symbol can be added to your project by clicking on the plus icon + from the Symbol Definitions panel, and selecting it from the Buttons options.

Using a Facebook Button Symbol
Drag the Facebook subsymbol from Symbol Definitions, into the Hierarchy in the parent symbol.
Select the Facebook node and add a link to a valid Facebook profile in the Facebook Profile Name property. This property is pre-filled with
so this portion of the URL should be omitted. The example shown below will launch https://www.facebook.com/ZapparApp/.

The Facebook Button symbol has five custom properties that can be edited:
Property | Description |
Facebook Profile Name | Sets the Facebook URL to launch. |
Icon | Sets whether to use the button's preset icon or a custom one. |
Custom Icon Material | Sets the image to use as the button's icon, if Icon is set to Custom. |
Icon Color | Sets the color of the button icon. |
Background Color | Sets the color of the button background. |
To use a custom icon instead of the default graphic, change the Icon property to custom and set the Custom Icon Material property to your imported image.