
enum Shape { "cube", "sphere", "cylinder", "xy_square", "xy_circle", "none" }

The shape that the TriggerRegion takes.

Member List

Member Description
cube A cube with dimensions of [-1,-1,-1] to [1,1,1].
sphere A sphere with a radius of 1.
cylinder A cylinder with a radius of 1 in the xy plane and a height of -1 to 1 in the Z-axis.
xy_square A square with dimensions of -1 to 1 in both x and y and infinite in Z-axis.
xy_circle A circle with a radius of 1 in the xy plane and infinite in the Z-axis.
none Infinite everywhere, still reports coordinates of trigger objects in the coordinate system of the trigger region. Useful for converting coordinates from something relative to a target instance to coordinates in, for example.
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