
Inherits from Z.Base

Inherited by: Z.CameraTexture, Z.DataTexture, Z.ImageTexture, Z.TransformedTexture, Z.Video, Z.VideoTexture


Provided by Z.Texture


Channel A color channel of a texture.
Mipmap The mipmapping mode for textures.
Wrap The wrap mode for textures.


mipmap( ) Gets the mipmapping mode of the texture.
mipmap(...) Sets the mipmapping mode of the texture.
position( ) Gets the position offset of the texture.
position(...) Sets the position offset of the texture.
rotation( ) Gets the rotation of the texture.
rotation(...) Sets the rotation of the texture.
scale( ) Gets the scale of the texture.
scale(...) Sets the scale of the texture.
size( ) Gets the size of the texture.
wrap( ) Gets the wrap mode of the texture.
wrap(...) Sets the wrap mode of the texture.

Inherited from Z.Base


emit(...) Calls the handler functions attached to an event.
hasTag(...) Returns true if this object has the specified tag.
off(...) Removes a handler function from an event.
on(...) Attaches a handler function to an event.
one(...) Attaches a single-use handler function to an event.
pushTag(...) Adds a tag to this object.
removeTag(...) Removes a tag from this object.
tags( ) Gets an array of the tags that this object belongs to.
tags(...) Sets the array of the tags that this object belongs to.
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