
Inherits from Z.Base


A Target is an image that has been trained up for augmented reality use and is tracked within the camera view. A Target can have multiple instances, known as TargetInstances, and can be detected by a TargetFinder.

Provided by Z.Target


newinstance Emitted when the Z.TargetFinder has found a new instance of this target.
notseen Emitted when an instance of this target is no longer detected in the camera feed.
seen Emitted when an instance of this target is detected in the camera feed.

Inherited from Z.Base


emit(...) Calls the handler functions attached to an event.
hasTag(...) Returns true if this object has the specified tag.
off(...) Removes a handler function from an event.
on(...) Attaches a handler function to an event.
one(...) Attaches a single-use handler function to an event.
pushTag(...) Adds a tag to this object.
removeTag(...) Removes a tag from this object.
tags( ) Gets an array of the tags that this object belongs to.
tags(...) Sets the array of the tags that this object belongs to.
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