You can use this library by downloading a standalone zip containing the necessary files, by linking to our CDN, or by installing from NPM for use in a webpack project.
You can find the respective download links and installation instructions here.
Standalone Download
Once downloaded, unzip into your web project and reference from your HTML like this:
<script src="zappar.js"></script>
Reference the zappar.js library from your HTML like this:
<script src="*/zappar.js"></script>
necessary files, by linking to our CDN, or by installing from NPM for use in a webpack project.
*The latest version number can be found on the Downloads and SDKs page.
NPM Webpack Module
Run the following NPM command inside your project directory:
npm install --save @zappar/zappar
Then import the library into your JavaScript or TypeScript files:
import * as Zappar from "@zappar/zappar";
The final step is to add this necessary entry to your webpack rules:
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /zcv\.wasm$/,
type: "javascript/auto",
loader: "file-loader"
The Universal AR SDK for JavaScript supports Webpack 5 and later.