Example Project Library
Preview and clone our example projects made using the Universal AR toolset.
Some example projects require a target image (image tracked). If applicable, these images can be found in assets folder of the Github repository.

Volumetric Video: Arcturus
Instant world tracked volumetric video example with Arcturus HoloStream WebAPI.

Volumetric Video: Sense of Space
Instant world tracked volumetric video example with Sense of Space Three.js Integration.

Multiple Tracking Types
Product visualisation using a 3D model and real time reflections, featuring the ability to alternate between Instant World Tracking and Face Tracking.

Multiple Face Tracking
Example project showcasing multiple faces, tracking simultaneously.

Real-Time Reflections
Example project displaying real-time reflections from a 3D model using an automatically generated environment map.

Opening Transition
Plays an opening tween transition with a set of opening doors.

Look For Prompt
Adds a prompt that asks the user to look for the tracking image when it's not in the camera view.

Photo Feature
Save and share snapshots taken directly within the project using the WebGL snapshot package.

Face Paint Mesh
Example showcasing face paint on a mesh, made using Zappar for Three.js.

Face Tracked 3D Model
Face tracking project containing a helmet 3D model, made using Zappar for Three.js.

Animation from Gaze
Example project using a raycaster to detect if an object is in view and playing a 3D model animation when it is.

Dynamic Lighting
Real-time dynamic lighting reacting with 3D elements in the scene.

Launch Web URL
Simple image tracked project containing a button that, when tapped, launches an external web URL into a new tab.

Two Targets
Tracking to two simultaneous targets, made using Zappar for Three.js.

glTF Loader
Place an instant world tracked glTF 3D model in your real-world environment.

Real-Time Reflections
Example project displaying real-time reflections from a 3D model using an automatically generated environment map.

Instant Tracked 3D Model
Place a 3D model in your real world environment, contains particle effects.

Image Tracked Product Visualization
Animated 3D model displayed on a podium, includes dynamic lighting.

Face Paint Mesh
Example showcasing face paint on a mesh, made using Zappar for Babylon.js.

Face Tracked 3D Model
Face tracking project containing a beard and helmet 3D model, includes save / share snapshot button.
React Three.js

Real-Time Reflections
Example project displaying real-time reflections from a 3D model using an automatically generated environment map.

Business Card
Image tracked business card example showcasing, 3D models, audio and user interaction.

Dynamic Lighting
Real-time dynamic lighting animating and reacting with 3D elements in the scene.

Face Paint Mesh
Face paint mesh example project, made using Zappar for React Three.js.

Face Tracked 3D Model
Face tracking project containing a helmet 3D model, made using Zappar for React Three.js.

Volumetric Video: Arcturus
Instant world tracked volumetric video example with Arcturus HoloStream Web API.

Instant Tracked Video
Play and pause video displayed in your real world environment.

Real-Time Reflections
Example project displaying real-time reflections from a 3D model using an automatically generated environment map.

Billboarded Label
Example showcasing billboarded labels which always face the user.

Instant Tracked Solar System
Place the solar system in your real world environment.

Face Tracked Solar System
Looping animated 3D models tracked to the face, made using Zappar for A-Frame.

Business Card
Image tracked business card example showcasing, 3D models, audio and user interaction.

Animation from Gaze
Example project using a raycaster to detect if an object is in view and playing a 3D model animation when it is.

Face Paint Mesh
Face paint mesh example project, made using Zappar for A-Frame.

Face Tracked 3D Model
Face tracking project containing a helmet 3D model, made using Zappar for A-Frame.

Launch Web URL
Simple image tracked project containing a button that, when tapped, launches an external web URL.

Cloth Physics Simulation
Instant world tracked example featuring cloth physics, developed with Unity’s in-built cloth component.

Particle Systems
Place a 3D model in your real world environment containing particle effects, using Unity’s in-built particle system component.

Instant Tracked Real-time Reflections
Project displaying real-time reflections on a 3D model using an automatically generated environment map.

3D Animation and Lighting
3D animation played when a button is tapped with dynamic lighting.

Instant Tracked Rocket
Place a rocket in your environment and let it fly! Contains particle effects and tap-to-place UI.

Whack-a-Mole Game
Image tracked whack-a-mole game. Includes animated 3D models, user input, audio, particle effects and game mechanics.

Instant Tracking Touch Controls
Instant tracked project with 2-finger swipe scale controls, great for product visualization.

Face Tracking Game
Face tracked example showcasing game mechanics, such as - particle systems, Cannon physics, score, and timer.