Example Projects
Preview and clone our example projects made using the Zappar for A-Frame SDK.

Volumetric Video: Arcturus
Instant world tracked volumetric video example with Arcturus HoloStream Web API.

Instant Tracked Video
Play and pause video displayed in your real world environment.

Real-Time Reflections
Example project displaying real-time reflections from a 3D model using an automatically generated environment map.

Billboarded Label
Example showcasing billboarded labels which always face the user.

Instant Tracked Solar System
Place the solar system in your real world environment.

Face Tracked Solar System
Looping animated 3D models tracked to the face, made using Zappar for A-Frame.

Business Card
Image tracked business card example showcasing, 3D models, audio and user interaction.

Animation from Gaze
Example project using a raycaster to detect if an object is in view and playing a 3D model animation when it is.

Face Paint Mesh
Face paint mesh example project, made using Zappar for A-Frame.

Face Tracked 3D Model
Face tracking project containing a helmet 3D model, made using Zappar for A-Frame.

Launch Web URL
Simple image tracked project containing a button that, when tapped, launches an external web URL.