
We have provided this resource list for more information and support on creating experiences with the WebXR API specification in Mattercraft.

Getting Support

Join the Mattercraft Discord server for community support and discussions: Mattercraft Discord

You can also Get in Touch with the Zappar Support team or email

For more information about our support channels, please read our Support documentation.


The Immersive Web Emulator browser extension by Meta lets you test your WebXR enabled pages on emulated Meta Quest devices. It's very useful for approximating how your experience works in a real device and to quickly test from within your browser.

Immersive Web Emulator

Support for the WebXR Device API

There is a comphrensive table showcasing particular WebXR features support across browsers. You can find the data in this GitHub repository.

This site is also useful: "WebXR" | Can I use.WebXR Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

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