Instantiating zcomps
zcomponents can be added to your Hierarchy using the interface; however, there are times when you might want to instantiate them programmatically.
For example, if you are creating an environment with flowers, you might want to create multiple instances of a flower zcomponent and place them randomly in your scene. Doing this manually would be time-consuming, so we recommend instantiating them through code using the following method.
- Import the zcomponent into your script:
// Replace 'zcompExample' with your zcomponent name import zcompExample from "./zcompExample.zcomp";
- Create a new instance of the zcomponent:
// Creating a new instance of the zcomponent using the context manager const zcompExampleInstance = new zcompExample(this.contextManager, {});
- Add the zcomponent instance to your scene - in this example, it is being added to a Group node:
// Add the zcomponent instance to the 'myGroup' node this.zcomponent.nodes.myGroup.appendChild(zcompExampleInstance);
To showcase how to use instantiated zcomponents, in the video and snippet below we show how 1000 individual flower zcomponents can be added to a scene and (or) group within a behavior.
Example code
import { Component, Behavior, BehaviorConstructorProps, ContextManager, registerBehaviorRunAtDesignTime } from "@zcomponent/core";
import { Group as Group } from "@zcomponent/three/lib/components/Group";
import { default as Scene} from "./Scene.zcomp";
import Stem from "./Stem.zcomp";
interface ConstructionProps {
// Add any constructor props you'd like for your behavior here
/** @zbehavior */
export class InstantiateStem extends Behavior<Group> {
protected zcomponent = this.getZComponentInstance(Scene);
constructor(contextManager: ContextManager, instance: Group, protected constructorProps: ConstructionProps) {
super(contextManager, instance);
instantiateStem() {
const numStems = 1000; // Number of targets to create
const minRadius = 1; // Minimum radius around the user
const maxRadius = 15; // Maximum radius around the user
const minY = -0.5; // Minimum y-coordinate
const maxY = 1; // Maximum y-coordinate
for (let i = 0; i < numStems; i++) {
// Generate random angle and radius
const angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; // Random angle in radians
const radius = Math.random() * (maxRadius - minRadius) + minRadius; // Random radius between min and max
// Calculate position around the user
const x = Math.cos(angle) * radius;
const z = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
// Get current y-coordinate
const currentY = Math.random() * (maxY - minY) + minY;
const target = new Stem(this.contextManager, {});
// Set the position of the target
target.position.value = [x, currentY, z];
// Add the target to the scene
dispose() {
// Clean up any resources
// ...
return super.dispose();
// Uncomment below to run this behavior at design time