Instantiating zcomps

zcomponents can be added to your Hierarchy using the interface; however, there are times when you might want to instantiate them programmatically.

For example, if you are creating an environment with flowers, you might want to create multiple instances of a flower zcomponent and place them randomly in your scene. Doing this manually would be time-consuming, so we recommend instantiating them through code using the following method.


  1. Import the zcomponent into your script:

    // Replace 'zcompExample' with your zcomponent name
    import zcompExample from "./zcompExample.zcomp";
  2. Create a new instance of the zcomponent:

    // Creating a new instance of the zcomponent using the context manager
    const zcompExampleInstance = new zcompExample(this.contextManager, {});
  3. Add the zcomponent instance to your scene - in this example, it is being added to a Group node:

    // Add the zcomponent instance to the 'myGroup' node


To showcase how to use instantiated zcomponents, in the video and snippet below we show how 1000 individual flower zcomponents can be added to a scene and (or) group within a behavior.

Instantiating a zcomponent

Example code

import { Component, Behavior, BehaviorConstructorProps, ContextManager, registerBehaviorRunAtDesignTime } from "@zcomponent/core";
import { Group as Group } from "@zcomponent/three/lib/components/Group";
import { default as Scene} from "./Scene.zcomp";
import Stem from "./Stem.zcomp";

interface ConstructionProps {
    // Add any constructor props you'd like for your behavior here

/** @zbehavior */
export class InstantiateStem extends Behavior<Group> {

    protected zcomponent = this.getZComponentInstance(Scene);

    constructor(contextManager: ContextManager, instance: Group, protected constructorProps: ConstructionProps) {
        super(contextManager, instance);



    instantiateStem() {
        const numStems = 1000; // Number of targets to create
        const minRadius = 1; // Minimum radius around the user
        const maxRadius = 15; // Maximum radius around the user
        const minY = -0.5; // Minimum y-coordinate
        const maxY = 1; // Maximum y-coordinate

        for (let i = 0; i < numStems; i++) {
            // Generate random angle and radius
            const angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; // Random angle in radians
            const radius = Math.random() * (maxRadius - minRadius) + minRadius; // Random radius between min and max

            // Calculate position around the user
            const x = Math.cos(angle) * radius;
            const z = Math.sin(angle) * radius;

            // Get current y-coordinate
            const currentY = Math.random() * (maxY - minY) + minY;

            const target = new Stem(this.contextManager, {});

            // Set the position of the target
            target.position.value = [x, currentY, z];

            // Add the target to the scene

    dispose() {
        // Clean up any resources
        // ...
        return super.dispose();

// Uncomment below to run this behavior at design time
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