
Physics Constraints are powerful components that can be added to rigid bodies and used to create more realistic and interactive physics environments.

These constraints are typically used to restrict the motion of objects in a realistic way to create physical connections between rigid bodies - such as ropes, doors, character joints, and more.

Adding a Constraint

Mattercraft comes with a number of built in Physics Constraints Behaviors for quick and easy setup.

Simply head into the Behaviors Panel, go to Physics Constraints → and choose your desired Constraint.

Adding a Physics Constraint Behavior

The following constraints are available, click below to learn more:

Constraint Description
Distance Attempts to keep the positions of the rigid bodies within a specified distance, and provides no restriction on relative rotation.
Hinge This Constraint is used to simulate a hinge joint between two rigid bodies, allowing them to rotate around a single axis.
Ball & Socket Emulates a joint. Attempts to line up the pivot positions but puts no restrictions on the relative rotation of the two rigid bodies, great for things like a shoulder or hip joint.
Locked This Constraint takes in two pivots and two axes in local space and creates a LockConstraint.

Next article: Distance Constraint

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