Using Particles

After using a Project Template which has particles pre-installed, or Installing the Particle package yourself, you will have access to customizable particle effects.

Types of particles

Mattercraft currently offers a variety of customizable default particles, as well as a base EmitterGroup component for you to create your own unique particle effects:

Particle effect Potential usage
Sparkle Use the sparkles effect to highlight something within your zcomponent.
Snow Add a snow effect to create a winter wonderland or a snowy landscape in your zcomponent.
Rain Use the rain effect to simulate a rainy day, or to add atmosphere to a zcomponent.
Firework Use a firework to create a realistic and visually striking display of fireworks in your zcomponent.
Fire Add a fire effect to create a realistic campfire, fireplace, or torch in your zcomponent.
Confetti Use confetti to celebrate a victory or highlight a special moment in your zcomponent.
EmitterGroup Add an EmitterGroup to create your own unique particle effects, such as smoke, clouds, petals and more.

Adding particles to a zcomponent

There are two different ways to set up particles in a zcomponent - adding and customizing default particles, or adding and customizing a base EmitterGroup from the ground up.

Before adding particles, ensure the Particles package has been installed by heading to the Add-ons and Dependencies panel. You can learn how to install the Particles package by using our Installing the Particle package guide.

Default particles

Adding default particles to a zcomponent
  1. Right click (or left click on the three dots) on the root Group
  2. In the menu, go to New and then Particles
  3. Select either the Sparkle, Snow, Rain, Firework, Fire or Confetti particle component

EmitterGroup particles

Adding EmitterGroup particles to a zcomponent
  1. Right click (or left click on the three dots) on the root Group
  2. In the menu, go to New and then Particles
  3. Select the EffectGroup particle component
  4. Right click (or left click on the three dots) on EffectGroup and go to New, then Particles and click on ParticleEmitter
  5. Right click (or left click on the three dots) on EffectGroup and go to New, then Textures and click on EmitterTexture

Customizing particles

Particle components are made up of three parts:

Nodes which make up a Particle component

  1. A particle emitter group (otherwise known as an EmitterGroup) component
  2. A Particle Emitter component
  3. An Emitter Texture component

After adding a Particle component to your scene, you can further customize each particle component using the Node Properties panel.

Each part of a Particle component has unique properties to personalize, such as Particle Count, Max Age Value and Velocity Spread.

Controlling particles with Behavior Actions

You can control particles by using Mattercraft's Animation System in conjunction with Behavior Actions.

Controlling particles with a Behavior Action
  1. Create a Layer with either a State or a Timeline inside it which manipulates the particle component
  2. Find the a component you wish to control the particles with inside the Hierarchy panel and select it
  3. Head to the Behavior Actions panel and click on the + (plus) icon
  4. Find the Animation Actions category and select the appropriate behavior for the State or Timeline

Controlling particles with script

An example Custom Behavior for activating a particle emitter might look like this:

// Register that this node should be listening to an event,
// in this case onPointerDown (on click or tap)
this.register(this.instance.onPointerDown, evt => {

    // Activate the particle by setting
    // its enable property value to true
    this.zcomponent.nodes.Sparkle.enabled.value = true;


You can also manipulate particle node properties via script.

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