
Videos are a powerful tool for showcasing dynamic content in your experiences.

Supported formats

Mattercraft currently supports the following formats:

  • MP4

Adding Videos

Adding videos to your project is super easy in Mattercraft. You have three options:

Drag and Drop

Simply drag and drop your video into the project files menu:

Dragging 3D models into the Left Menu

From your Computer

Click on the + (plus) icon in the project files menu (located in the Left Menu) and select From your computer to browse and import your video:

Adding a Video 'From your computer'


Your video must be hosted on a server and have a direct link to use this method (e.g.

Click on the + (plus) icon in the Hierarchy (or the three dots on a Group) and find the Media option. Then select Video to add a video component to your Hierarchy. In the video's Source property, enter the video's direct URL from a hosting server to stream your video:

Adding streamed Videos

Green Screen Video

For videos requiring transparent areas, Mattercraft offers the chromaKey feature.

Using the chromaKey material for transparent videos

Follow these steps to use it:

  1. Add your Green Screen Video following the steps above
  2. Drag the Video into the Hierarchy
  3. In the Properties Panel, set the Transparent property to chromaKey
  4. Still within the Properties Panel, scroll down to the Chroma Key Transparency section and click on the Key Color
  5. Use the color picker to select the green color in your video that you want to make transparent

This should update the video and mask out the green screen. You can further refine the Similarity, Smoothness, or Spill properties in the same section for the perfect green screen effect.

Side by Side Videos

If you have a masked side-by-side video, you can use the sideBySide property value to create transparency:

Side by Side Videos

You may use the following instructions for side by side video:

  1. Add your Masked Side By Side Video following the importing steps above
  2. Drag the Video into the Hierarchy
  3. In the Properties Panel, set the Transparent property to sideBySide

This should update the video and mask out the video properly. You can further refine the Direction or Alpha First properties in the same panel for the perfect masking effect.

Playing Videos

Once you have added your video to the Hierarchy, you have several options for playing it:


Enable the Autoplay option in the properties to automatically start the video when your zcomp is loaded.

The Autoplay property

Stream Action

Use a stream track action to trigger video playback via an event:

Stream Action Behavior

Select the node in the Hierarchy that you want the event to fire on, choose Stream Actions, and use the desired action (e.g. Play Stream).

To learn more about adding interactivity to your Mattercraft projects, see our dedicated Behavior Actions articles.

Stream Tracks

You can add videos to a timeline by using it's stream track:

Add Video clips as Stream Tracks

To utilize this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Animations panel to open it up
  2. Click on Layers if your Timeline is inside a layer or Clips if it is independent
  3. Find and click on the Timeline you wish to add the Stream Track to
  4. Go to the Timeline Clip editor and find the + (plus) icon
  5. Find Streams and then click on the video you wish to add to the Timeline
  6. Mattercraft will automatically add the Stream Track to the Timeline

You will then be able to use standard timeline methods to edit and update the video along the timeline; such as changing the start, end, offset start, and playback rate (by double clicking on the video bar).

To learn more about timelines and playing stream tracks in Mattercraft, check out our dedicated Stream Tracks article.

In a Script

To play videos in a script, use:

If you're using this in a behavior that isn't directly instancing the video, replace this.instance. with this.nodes.zcomponent.YourVideoNode.

You can also listen for events that the video fires using:

// When the video this code references is playing...
this.register(this.instance.onPlay, evt => {

    // this code to handle event
    console.log("Video is playing!");


Replace onPlay with the event you want to listen for.

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