Building VPS Experiences

Building content on top of your Immersal map is easy in Mattercraft, with the development process being the same as when using any other tracking type. With that said, there are a few caveats and helpful tips and tricks when using this specific tracking method.

Tips & Tricks

  • There are a number of properties exposed to the ImmersalAnchorGroup to help customize your experience, please feel free to update these based on your own use case.
  • It can sometimes be easier to position content accurately when setting the Wireframe Preview node property to false.
    Setting the Wireframe Preview property to false
  • The default shadow map can sometimes be above the "floor" position of the map. To update this, unlock the shadow plane in the Hierarchy and position it lower on the Y axis.
  • If you would like shadows specifically on some parts of your map, you can create a mesh (can be a simple geometry), apply a StandardLightingMaterial to that mesh and then set the mesh's Visible node property to false.
  • If you would like to use physics objects and have them react to your map, place a large mesh across the ground and other simple mesh geometries for the walls and objects with a physics behavior assigned. You should then set the physics-enabled mesh's Visible node property to false. This does require you to setup some physics aspects such as walls manually, but is much more performant than using the generated scanned mesh from the Immersal Developer Portal.
Building tips for Mattercraft Havok physics & Immersal VPS
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