Orbit Pre-set Animation

The Orbit animation makes a component rotate around another component, or a fixed point in the scene.

Using and customizing the Orbit pre-set animation

This pre-set has the following customizable properties:

Property Description
Orbit around Selecting 'Object' will use a component of your choice as a pivot point. Selecting 'Point' will use a specific point on the canvas according to the X, Y and Z axes.
Point Set the X, Y, and Z coordinates for the orbit center. This becomes visible when 'Point' is selected as the 'Orbit around' property.
Orbit clockwise on axis Select the X, Y, or Z axis of which the orbit plane will rotate around.
Reverse direction When checked, the orbit direction will be in reverse (anti-clockwise).
Orbit angle Set the angle in degrees for one complete orbit.
Duration Set the duration in seconds of one complete orbit.
Easing Choose the easing function for the animation.
Loop forever When checked, the animation will repeat indefinitely.
Loop count Set the number of times to repeat the animation. This becomes visible when 'Loop forever' is unchecked.
Back and forth When checked, the animation will move back to the starting position after reaching the destination, then will continue to loop in this fashion.

Next article: Scale Pre-set Animation

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