Getting Started

360 content scenes provide an immersive 360-degree viewing experience. This is great for building content that requires a 360-degree interactive panoramic view; such as tours, onboarding or training, and virtual reality games.

Supported formats

Zapworks Designer supports 360-degree backgrounds in the following formats:

Media type File type
Image .png, .jpg
Video .mov, .avi, .mp4, .mpeg, .3gp, .mkv

360-degree images must be under 10MB, and 360-degree videos must be under 200MB in order to be successfully uploaded into the system. Always optimize your media for web, as the smaller the file, the more performant your experience will be.

Equirectangular images and videos

360-degree backgrounds should be an equirectangular image or video. 'Equirectangular' represents a spherical surface in a flat, rectangular format (for example, a 360-degree panoramic photo). The example below shows what is and is not considered to be the correct format for 360-degree backgrounds.

Correct 360-degree format (1) vs incorrect 360-degree format (2)

Using 360 content scenes

When you create a new Zapworks Designer project, you will first be asked what type of device you want to build for, and then what type of scene you want to start adding content to.

360 content scenes are supported by both headset and handheld platforms.

360 content blank Project Template

Upon selecting 360 content, you'll be prompted to upload a 360-degree image or video in which your content will appear in. To do this, click on the Browse media library button or Upload icon in the Scene Properties panel to process a 360-degree image or video.

Uploading a 360-degree background via the Scene Properties panel

For best results, 360-degree backgrounds should be an equirectangular image or video. 'Equirectangular' represents a spherical surface in a flat, rectangular format (for example, a 360-degree panoramic photo).

Once uploaded, the 360-degree image or video will appear on your canvas.

Adjusting the start position

Once your 360-degree image or video background has been set, you can adjust the position that users will start the scene from by either:

  • Finding the Initial camera position slider within the Scene Properties panel
  • Panning around the canvas and then clicking Set initial camera view in the Scene Properties panel
Setting the initial camera view using the slider or on the canvas

Adding components to 360 content scenes

Drag and drop or double-click on components to add them to the canvas as usual. You can then use the existing transforms in the Properties panel on the right to customize components; such as their position, rotation or scale.

Adding and transforming components in a 360 content scene

Due to the depth and curvature of 360-degree backgrounds, pay close attention to how your content fits so it doesn't break the immersion. For example, you can utilize the Curve property to help make some components blend seamlessly with a 360-degree background.

360-specific Context Bar changes

360 content scenes cause specific changes to the Context Bar which make it easier to customize components within your experience.

Context bar in other scene types (1) vs a 360 content scene (2)

Default icon 360 content scene icon Default description 360 content scene description
Snap to surface Face camera Snaps content to a surface (e.g. a ground plane or target image). Makes a selected component transform to face the camera.
Recenter Recenter Returns the canvas to a default view. Returns the canvas to the initial camera view position.

Next article: Examples & Resources

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