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Adding a Calendar Event

The Z.calendar object can be used to add events to the user's calendar. To find out how visit the Z.Calendar reference article.


enum Frequency { "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly" } Indicates how regularly a recurring event occurs. Member List Member Description daily Event occurs once a day. weekly Event occurs once a week. monthly Event occurs once a month.


: number[] } A set of options surrounding the recurrence of an event. Variables Variable Type Description frequency Z.Calendar.Frequency The frequency at which an event should occur. occurrences number How many times the event should occur.


: EntryRecurrence } An event entry to add to the calendar. Variables Variable Type Description title string The title of the event. start JavaScript Date object The start time of the event. end JavaScript Date object The end time of the event.

Image Tracking Events

ImageTracker specific Events Event Description onAnchorNew Event which is emitted when a new anchor (image target) is created by the tracker. onAnchorVisible Event which is emitted when an anchor (image target) becomes visible in a camera frame.

Face Tracking Events

Anchor Group specific Events Event Description onAnchorVisible Event which is emitted when an anchor (face) becomes visible in a camera frame.


one(evt : string, func : (...params : any[]) => void) : this; Attaches a single-use handler function to an event. The handler will only be called the first time the event is triggered.

Instant World Tracking Events

In addition to using the Placement Mode and Camera Preview Offset parameters, the InstantWorldTracker component exposes event handlers that you can use to add further interaction to your AR experiences.

World Tracking Events

In addition to using the various ...Layer Clip parameters, the WorldTracker component exposes event handlers that you can use to add further interaction to your AR experiences.


on(evt : string, func : (...params : any[]) => void) : this; Attaches a handler function to an event. Parameters Parameter Type Description evt string The name of the event to attach to.


off(evt : string, func : (...params : any[]) => void) : this; Removes a handler function from an event. Parameters Parameter Type Description evt string The name of the event with the attached function.


emit(evt : string, ...params : any[]) : this; Calls the handler functions attached to an event. Parameters Parameter Type Description evt string The name of the event.

Creating Buttons

Buttons pointerdown Event The easiest way to create a button in ZapWorks Studio is to use the pointerdown event emitted by plane nodes.


Examples Single Event Z.calendar.add({ title: "Zappar's 10-year Anniversary Party", start: new Date(2021, 3, 1, 19, 0, 0), end: new Date(2021, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0), location: "London", notes: "BYOB" }); Recurring Event Z.calendar.add({ title: "Cassini


It is the responsibility of a function attached to the root node's hide event to emit this on the symbol. Returns this Handler Function When the hidden event is fired, attached handler functions are called with no arguments. Related Z.Base.on(...)


This is called immediately before any active event is emitted on the new active element. Returns this Handler Function When the notactive event is fired, attached handler functions are called with no parameters. Related active Z.Base.on(...)


This is called immediately after any notactive event is emitted on the previously active element. Returns this Handler Function When the active event is fired, attached handler functions are called with no parameters. Related notactive Z.Base.on(...)

Getting Keyboard Input

The second step is to register event handlers that will be fired when the user has finished entering their text. The confirm event is fired when they tap the "OK" button.

Buttons and Interactivity

Action indicator Events The following table lists the events available to each node type, along with a description of the event itself. Node Type Event Description Accelerometer Landscape The device is in the default landscape orientation.

Intersection Events

An intersection event is an event that is fired as a result of a Z.Raycaster node intersecting with a Z.Object node that both: includes the same tag value as the Raycaster node's colliderTag value, and is within the colliderLimit of the Raycaster node.

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