Search results for "None"


enum CullFaces { "inherit", "back", "front", "both", "none" } 3D rendering hardware can optionally skip drawing (cull) each face in a 3D object depending on the order in which the vertices of that face are specified.


enum Mipmap { "none", "fast", "best" } The mipmapping mode for textures.


enum Shape { "cube", "sphere", "cylinder", "xy_square", "xy_circle", "none" } The shape that the TriggerRegion takes. Member List Member Description cube A cube with dimensions of [-1,-1,-1] to [1,1,1]. sphere A sphere with a radius of 1.

themeColor( )

themeColor() : number[]; Returns The currently set theme color in the form [r, g, b, a], or null if none has been set. Default value: null Related themeColor(...) setter Gets the theme color.

Streaming Alpha Video

Back in the parent symbol select the colorTexture node and set it's texture to none. Do the same for the maskTexture as well. We will set the texture in a script node in the following steps.

Types of lights

Add simulated light if none in Hierarchy Simulated light is used if there are no lights in the Hierarchy, otherwise only lights existing in the Hierarchy are used to light objects.

Render Order

Reorder Meshes set to none. Reorder Meshes set to opacity. The opacity of a model's surface can be set through an opacity map, when using lighting materials.

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