Context containing snapshot information.


  • Context
    • SnapshotContext



  • Returns never


canShare: Observable<boolean, never> = ...

Observable determining if the current canvas content can be shared.

canvasFile: Observable<null | File, never> = ...

Observable containing the canvas image as a File object.

canvasImage: Observable<string, never> = ...

Observable holding the current canvas image data URL.

constructorProps: {}

The constructor properties.

contextManager: ContextManager

The current ContextManager

disposed: boolean = false
fileName: Observable<string, never> = ...

Observable storing the file name for the snapshot. Updates the file upon change.

fileType: Observable<string, never> = ...

Observable storing the file type for the snapshot (e.g., 'image/png'). Updates the file upon change.

quality: Observable<number, never> = ...

Observable representing the quality setting of the snapshot image.

shareAPISupported: Observable<boolean, never> = ...

Observable indicating whether the Share API is supported in the current environment.

text: Observable<string, never> = ...

Observable holding the text content to be shared with the snapshot.

title: Observable<string, never> = ...

Observable containing the title for the snapshot.